Aramada Township

One Man's Trash

Dear Taxpayer,

In an effort to better serve our taxpayers, the Township Board is requesting your input. We would like to better understand your garbage collection needs and the trash services you currently utilize.

1. Do you currently use the Armada Ridge Road Transfer Site?

2. Do you currently have /pay for curbside garbage pick up?

2a. If yes, do you also utilize the Transfer Site?

3. Would you be interested in having a Township wide, single waste hauler contract?

3a. If yes, would you be willing to have the cost for this service shared with the township and added onto your tax bill?

4. Would you expect to have recycling as part of a Township-wide waste hauling contract?

Additional Comments

Please return completed paper surveys to the Armada Township Offices.
To complete this survey Online, please go to
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your input.